能力 Celebrates 10 Years of ‘Match Day’ with Soon-to-be-Physicians

Match Day ceremony

Along with thousands of other fourth-year medical 学生 around the nation, 2024届毕业生在中午时分迅速打开了密封的信封,以了解他们将在哪里实现自己的住院医师培训梦想.

By gisele galoustian | 3/15/2024

It was a “perfect 10” today for Florida Atlantic University ’s   Schmidt College of Medicine as they celebrated 10 years of “Match Day” with the class of 2024. During the special ceremony, 能力即将成为医生的学生将在研究生培训项目中获得住院医师实习机会.

Along with thousands of other fourth-year medical 学生 around the nation, 2024届毕业生在中午时分迅速打开了密封的信封,以了解他们将在哪里实现自己的住院医师培训梦想. 根据医学专业的不同,住院医师项目需要三到七年的时间才能完成,并且医生需要获得执照资格(委员会认证)。.

Match Day occurs nationally on the third Friday of March every year when the results of the National Resident Matching Program (NMRP) are announced. 主要住院医师匹配的结果受到密切关注,因为它们可以预测医生队伍未来的变化.  

Florida’s population is projected to grow by nearly 300,000 residents for each of the next five years. A third of full-time doctors are over age 60, and as they retire, research suggests an estimated shortfall of 18,000 physicians in Florida by 2035. 能力的医学院正在努力缓解这一预计的短缺,并继续为医生队伍做出宝贵的贡献.

“You are stepping into a legacy of medical excellence, 承载着创新和同情心的火炬,这是施密特医学院的特色,” 柯蒂斯L. Whitehair, M.D., interim dean, 能力 Schmidt College of Medicine. “To our class of 2024, today marks a significant chapter in your story. You are about to embark on a journey filled with challenges and opportunities, each poised to shape your future and the lives of those you will serve. Your resilience, 奉献精神和同情心使你们准备好在卫生保健领域产生重大影响. You are the embodiment of our hopes and dreams, ready to make a lasting impact on the lives of countless patients.”

In line with the medical school’s mission, 48 percent of the class of 2024 will conduct their residency in Florida, and 41 percent will specialize in primary care including internal 医学, family 医学 and pediatrics. 2024届毕业生在包括精神病学在内的一些竞争最激烈的专业上也不相上下, orthopedic surgery, dermatology, plastic surgery, urology and a triple board specialty in pediatrics/psychiatry/child psychiatry, among others.  

“2024届毕业生是在新冠肺炎大流行带来巨大不确定性的时期进入医学院的, which required them to begin their medical training virtually. They quickly adapted and remained resilient, 他们在施密特医学院的整个旅程中都很敬业,” Jennifer Caceres, M.D.能力 Schmidt医学院负责学生事务和KU体育的高级副院长.  

“I am so proud of their accomplishments and great successes, which are evident to everyone here today. 很快,他们将毕业并离开这里,训练有素,做好充分准备,提供这个国家所需要的高质量和富有同情心的医疗服务.”

2024届的学生中有几位模范学生已经加入了Alpha Omega Alpha荣誉协会, the national medical honor society, and the Gold Humanism Honor Society, 一个国家荣誉协会,表彰在临床护理方面表现卓越的高年级医学生和其他人, leadership, compassion and dedication to service.

这些学生中有萨拉·格什菲尔德、凯琳·布莱克斯塔德和奥戈萨·乌尔霍希德. 格什菲尔德在几个组织提供了大量的社区志愿服务时间,并担任了2024届学生的课程代表, helping to enhance the curriculum. 作为一名前全国大学体育协会1级运动员,她在日常活动中融入了团队精神. She will start her residency in emergency 医学 at UC Davis Medical Center. Passionate about creating safe environments for others, especially children, Blackstad将在肯塔基大学医学中心(University of Kentucky Medical Center)开展儿科/精神病学/儿童精神病学的三重住院医师项目. Committed to teaching, Urhoghide在整个本科生涯中担任导师,在医学院期间担任导师和导师. Her community contributions include encouraging women in 医学, volunteering at free clinics and arranging fundraisers and community events. 乌尔霍海德将在麻省总医院布里格姆开始麻醉学住院医师项目, a Harvard Medical School teaching hospital.

Among the various Florida institutions where the class of 2024 placed are 能力’s Schmidt College of Medicine; Broward 健康 Medical Center; Memorial 健康care System; University of Miami/Jackson 健康 System; University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine; University of Miami Miller School of Medicine/Holy Cross; University of Florida College of Medicine – Shands Hospital; HCA Florida Orange Park Hospital; HCA 健康care East Florida Division GME; and University of Central Florida/HCA 健康care GME.

The class of 2024 also placed in several other top institutions nationally, including Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center; UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles; Rush University Medical Center in Chicago; Baylor College of Medicine in Houston; New York-Presbyterian; and University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

In addition, 能力自己的研究生住院医师项目匹配了47名来自全国各地不同背景的优秀医科毕业生,这些学生被能力的内科住院医师项目匹配(24)。, surgery (10), emergency 医学 (six), psychiatry (four) and neurology (three). 能力’s fellowships also will welcome new trainees in cardiovascular disease, geriatric 医学, hospice and palliative 医学 and vascular surgery.

2019冠状病毒病大流行表明急诊医生在卫生保健系统中发挥了支柱作用. 尽管在大流行期间与这一医学专业相关的挑战和风险令人难以置信, 自成立以来,能力的急诊医学住院医师计划已成功填补了每个职位, despite unfilled positions nationally and in Florida.  

“在全国范围内,填补急诊医生的空缺变得越来越具有挑战性, KU体育官网APP自2017年成立以来,填补了急诊医学住院医师项目的每一个职位,脱颖而出,” Lisa Clayton, D.O., 椅子, Emergency Medicine Department, program director, emergency 医学 residency, and assistant dean for graduate medical education, 能力 Schmidt College of Medicine.“这一成功充分说明了我们的培训质量和毕业生的光明未来, the future leaders in the field of emergency 医学.”

The NRMP uses a computer algorithm, developed in 1952 by Nobel Prize-winning economist Alvin Roth, to place 学生 in the program that they prefer. 医院的每个住院医师项目每年都有固定数量的第一年职位,他们可以根据自己的认证来填补这些职位. Leading up to the big day, 每个学生按照自己的喜好顺序列出他或她希望参与的住院医师项目, 然后,每个住院医师项目根据自己的偏好对申请者进行排名.


Match Day

Match Day

Match Day

